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Fleischmann Twin Track Controller


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I bought a Fleishmann Twin Track Controller off EBay. I got it really cheap as it had no instructions or leads. It seemed worth a gamble at £35.00, even if it didn't work I figured I might be able to fix it. Anyway, with help from Gaugemaster (UK distributer) it works perfectly, although I gather it is outdated. The thing is, it only seems to do at the most 8 functions, does anyone know if you can get any more? I gather from Gaugemaster they discontinued it, I can see why, it must have cost a fortune to make. The sad thing is with a little bit of better design it could have been OK ("Soft Keys" below the display. People complain about the Elite, but compared to this, the Elite is a dodle to use and is very intuitive. Still using the Fleishmann as a second DCC controller, is perfectly OK, the rotary controllers seem to give really good control.

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It would appear that to get more functions you need Version 2.0 firmware, which is a paid for upgrade from Fleischmann (if it is still orderable as this controller even with V2 is well obsolete). It also appears that you need Ver 1.1 installed first as a prerequisite. V1.1 is a 'free' firmware upgrade - see link below. Watch the embedded video on the link to see how to find installed version and serial numbers. You may already have V1.1 installed.


This UK website gives more details.



Note: The link above was found using Google. I can't seem to navigate to the same page from the www.aandhmodels.co.uk home page. This infers to me as an ex IT person, that the linked page above has been left behind as an archived page and is not current. In other words, now possibly an obsolete product & support from 'aandhmodels'.


Can only find online Version 2 manual in German (not in English). The other thing I couldn't find, is any English instructions as to how to actually install the new firmware.


There's always a possibility that 'aandhmodels' could upgrade to V2 for you for a reasonable charge. They might even be able to provide a 'photo-copy' of the V2 manual in English........no harm in asking them.


PS - Twin Track Controller terminology is misleading. Twin Track Controller is Analogue DC. The DCC controller is called a 'Twin Center' Controller.

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Great, thanks for the info. I found a manual "online" and printed it out. It is a .pdf file so if anyone wants a copy let me know. I will check the software version out on my unit. I will see how much it is to upgrade to version 2. For £35.00 that is a really cheap DCC controller.

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