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Digital Controller [recommendations]

Guest Chrissaf

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hi all could anyone surges the best digital controller for a large layout 15ftx9ft and would I need any other power to go with it for continuity 

regards john

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As this is a Hornby forum, it is against the rules for members to make aggressive recommendations for products that compete with Hornby's product portfolio. Members can state what controller they are using, but they cannot actively promote their controller as the 'best thing since sliced bread'......so this part of your question is best asked on a 'non manufacturer affiliated' model railway forum where you are more likely to get a wide range of unbiased recommendations. Some of them probably conflicting.


With regard the supplementary power question. 15ft x 9 ft is not overly large. Whether you need to consider a power Booster or not is not strictly a function of the layout physical size, but more a consideration of the 'current' required by the layout.


As a 'rule of thumb', Boosters are only required if you want to simultaneously run more than about 8 to 10 locomotives (or less if they are older current hungry models converted to 'hard wired' DCC) when using a typical 4 Amp DCC Controller power supply. Another reason for a Booster is if you have more than four DCC Concepts ADS8Sx accessory decoders, as these are known to require high in-rush start up currents.


Designing a layout for the inclusion of Boosters can require a relatively high skill set, so should only be undertaken by the inexperienced, if the need for a booster(s) is absolutely necessary.


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Hello there, having been in you position regarding purchasing a  DCC controller a few years ago I think the best advice that can be given is if possible visit a model railway shows and possible a retailer and talk to users of various systems.

There are various types out there and each have there own advantages and disadvantages by looking at them and talking to people who use them you will find out about them. Model railway people are friendly and will extol the sytem they use. Take your time looking at the systems available and dont rush there will be a sytem to siute your needs. It took me nearly a year to find the one I use. Since then I have changed controller and use computer control ( yes Hornby Railmaster ) but not both at the same time.

As Chrissaf says have a look for other forums as the information you want is out there its just a case of finding it.

Once your hooked on DCC remeber you will be controlling the trains and not controlling the track !

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John e, I’m surprised you’ve yet to get any actual advice on controllers.  From the Hornby stable, your choices are:




This is Hornby’s basic entry level controller.  Up until now, very basic, not really a long term proposition with only limited address ranges for locos and accessories. However, a v1.6 firmware upgrade later this year will allow it to adjust CVs, not possible currently and its most serious drawback. Only one control knob, so can only control one loco at a time.   A new cable will allow it to connect to Railmaster (RM) too, see more below.  Comes with a 1 Amp power supply and you would soon need to upgrade to the 4 Amp.




Hornby’s fully functional offering allowing full range of addresses with immediate control of 2 locos via 2 control knobs (can control as many as you like by calling them up to one of the knobs).  Works well standalone or with RM and comes with the 4 Amp supply.


eLink with RM:


Again fully functional but only using the RM software, no standalone mode.  If you like the idea of computer control, then much cheaper than Elite and RM and same functionality as Elite (apart from Elite’s standalone ability).  Comes only with the 1 Amp supply and you would likely need to upgrade with your layout size.


That‘s it for Hornby controllers.  If you want to check out RM, go to the RM sub-forum and download the latest in trial mode from the link at the top of the page and have a play, no need to be connected to a layout to have a look around.  Licence can be purchased from within the software to get full functionality  if you decide to buy.


As for connection to a layout at the size you are considering, you will almost certainly need to run a power bus underneath the layout connected to the controller and then with dropper wires from track pieces connected at intervals (some say every track piece) and soldered to the track at one end and the bus at the other.  Entry level single connection to the track plus DCC point clips for continuity throughout the layout is unlikely to be viable at your layout size.


There is much more info in the forums about everything I’ve included above.  Just ask and people will send links.

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