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King George the sprinter!

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I'm after some advice please. I installed a Hornby TTS chip in newly acquired King George 6 (LMS Coronation, control it with railmaster it's off like a rocket! The speed doesn't increase properly like the other TTS locos do. e.g. i click "30mph" and it's more like 10, except a slight increase it's off at 100% speed!! 

I've tried setting up with a blank profile - same result. 

I've tried using an existing profile - Tornado to be specific - same result.

The loco runs really well on analogue without the chip.

Does this all mean it's a faulty chip, faulty loco or is there something I'm doing wrong with RM? 

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Just to eliminate the possibility that 'DC Runaway' is happening. Modify the value of CV29 to disable 'DC Operation'. If the issue is not DC Runaway, then look at changing the motor algorithm CV. I don't have any TTS decoders myself, but there are many posts on here suggesting changing CV150 from 0 to 1 to improve operating control issues. Although CV150 seems to be more about resolving slow running issues. Look at the TTS datasheet documentation for the other motor control related CVs to tinker with [CV151 to CV154]. Remember you can always re-set the TTS decoder back to the factory default by writing value 8 to CV8 if things start going 'pear shaped'.


This previous forum thread may also offer you a working solution:



This other previous thread may also provide you with something to try:



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