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Problems with Missing file after updating Railmaster

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Hi, don't know if anybody else has run into this problem after updating to ver.1.3 but although the upgrade completed (I can see ver. 1.3 on bottom line and all new icons showing) whenever I load the program I get an error message"Can't Load MSJET35.DLL"

I can continue into the program but although my default plan loads OK, none of my Locos appear on the scroll list on the right hand side and any icon I click shows the detail box but is empty of information. I am running on Windows Vista and have also upgraded

my elite to ver. 1.4 no problems. I have sent a Help message through Railmaster(at least I hope I have) it was difficult to be sure, I kept getting empty dialog boxes with just a "tick" in them. Any suggestions would be welcome, I have searched my PC from

top to bottom and there is no MSJET35.DLL file, the nearest I can find is MSJET40.DLL which I suppose could be a Windows Upgrade, my machine is always kept up to date with the latest Windows downloads.
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