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DCC fitted stickers


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Does anyone know if anyone make stickers that I can put on my boxes with "DDC fitted" on them? I know I could write on the boxes, but that defaces them, I would just like a quick way to know which ones have been converted. It is also useful (dare I say it) if something happens to me, and someone has to sort out the locos.

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Make your own.......PC's and printers are very useful for doing that kind of task. Either print it out on sticky backed paper or print it out on plain paper and use a 'Pritt Stick'.

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Perhaps more useful than writing on the boxes, or even inserting cards in the boxes, is to produce an illustrated stock list - I do this so that (not only myself) but others can see 'at a glance' what loco has what code - and whether it has sound etc.

Back in pre-computer days I used to hand draw this on an A4 lined sheet ! 

Now I photograph my stock, and produce both 'ident sheets' in which a page has '1 type'  of stock - eg Tank Loocs, Tender Locos, Diesel Locos  or Norwegian,or Swedish etc (depending on which layout they belong to)

It is then quite easy to keep it updated and printit out on a colour printer .... they've got quite common nowadays 8-)

Similarly, you can maintain a 'database' program - which may also include the picture, but has other useful supporting information - such when and where purchased, make of decoder fitted, coupling type, and period of operation .... even orginal cost if desired.

This may als0 be useful for insurance assessments.

A USEFUL PLACE for a 'dcc sticker' is underneath the loco - with its dcc code  - in cases where it is not obvious.

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  • 4 months later...

I eventually got round to printing my own, and yes you were right it is easy. Made a table in word, coloured each cell in red with white writing and bought some sticky backed paper for the printer. I made them the same size as the blue DCC label on Hornby boxes, so I can put them there. I can now tell instantly, what ones I have left to chip.I also added DCC Sound so I know which ones I added sound to.

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I know, I went on holiday and couldn't remember which ones were converted and which ones had sound (it is mainly the non DCC ready ones I converted). I also found a supplier of sticky backed A4 plain paper. I must admit I didn't think it would be that easy.

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Because I used to work with computers, and it was always a pain setting things up. Things like the paper is too thick for the printer, getting the margins right, but then I suppose I was always trying to get them to do things they are not meant to do, I used to write Windows programs in c sharp, so yes I am no dummy. I used to spend hours getting excel spreadsheets printing onto one piece of paper and not 4 separate ones, it is no joke when you have a 30 page document that decides to make itself 120 pages. So yes I quite surprised it worked first time, even making them the right size. I suppose by PnP you mean plug and play, see how many times your computer fails to see a USB connection when you plug it in, or better still change the printer on your PC from wireless to USB and then try and delete the old one.

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I quite enjoy wrestling with a computer that has worked fine for ages, then decides it doesn’t want to play either with the printer, the router, my controllers, etc.


I suppose ‘let’s take it to bits to see how it works’ is part of my genetics, so if something breaks I automatically try to fix it.


It amuses me to see folk throw their arms up in the air and run around in circles weeping and wailing and screaming compo when the merest thing goes wrong. I wonder how many people are taking their clocks back to Argos for a refund because they are wrong this morning.

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Nop, don't run around with hands in the air when things don't work, just normally get down to fix it. It just annoys me when I see rubbish software, where they seem to make things overly complicated, where they do not need to. My nephew is a plumber and he says the same about bad plumbing installations.

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...Bad plumbing installations...


...And the prize goes to the guy who installed this water filter in my holiday home, when I wasn't there to supervise...


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