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Track pack C and Flying Scotsman problems.


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Recently bought the Hornby R1125 Somerset Belle train set with digital controller as well as a flying scotsman railroad with dcc fitted and sound. I also bought track pack B and C and built the inner curve and installed the power connecting clip. The somerset belle train goes around the track perfect on both the outer and inner curve and can go forwards and backwards, however the flying scotsman does not and in some cases doesnt move at all. Am i doing anything wrong? is my flying scotsman broke? When i had one loop both worked perfectly Please help!

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Track Pack C includes a R8201 Link Wire in it.


R8201 Link Wire



The R8201 is included in Track Pack C for when the track pack is going to be used on a DC Analogue layout. The track clips contained within the R8201 are not compatible with DCC signals (regardless of what you might find documented in older Hornby documentation). Hornby have admitted that the R8201 was documented as compatible with digital in error.


The correct way to use Track Pack C on a digital controlled layout is to use R8232 DCC point clips on all the points instead of the R8201.


R8232 Digital Point Clips



So remove the R8201 Link Wire from your layout and install the R8232 point clips instead.


Background to the issue included just for info.....


The two R8201 power clips contain 0.1uF suppression capacitors inside them that are connected across the two track rails. The capacitors shunt and distort the DCC track signal. Some locos and some decoders can be more affected than others, so the negative effect on your locos is not 100% consistent. This probably accounts for why you see an issue on the FS and not the other locos in your fleet. You say the FS has sound. Assuming that the sound is a TTS decoder, then it is a known fact that the Hornby TTS decoders are particularly sensitive to the incorrect presence of these DC Analogue suppression capacitors and can cease operation when the capacitors are present.


Just for completeness of information, this is why Hornby produce both DC Analogue and DCC Digital track power products. The DC Analogue versions have the capacitors, whilst the DCC Digital versions do not. Do not use DC Analogue power track products on a Digital layout unless the capacitors inside them are first removed.


DC Analogue track power products are R602 & R8206

DCC Digital track power products are R8241 & R8242


Removing the capacitors on the R602 & R8206 DC Analogue power track products.



TIP: As this is your very first post, just be aware that the 'Blue Button with the White Arrow' is not a 'Reply to this post' button. If you want to reply to any of the posts, scroll down and write your reply in the reply text box at the bottom of the page and click the Green 'Reply' button.


Particularly as my reply includes an image. If you use the blue button, any reply you write, may be held back for image approval. Even though it is already a previously published image.


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I see that you ignored my TIP advice and went ahead and used the 'blue button' anyway. Thus what I predicted would happen, happened. Your reply was held back for approval by admin because of the images. Notice how admin have edited the reply to [snip] out the re-quote, as part of the approval process.


It really isn't necessary to re-quote a great big long reply, particularly when your reply is directly below the one being responded to. I'm not having a go at you, using the 'blue button' is something all newbies on the forum seem to do for some reason. I blame the forum SW developers for putting it there, just where a 'Reply' button is expected to be. Which is why I added the TIP at the end of my original reply.


Don't forget, that there is a wealth of expertise and knowledge available to you from members of this forum. The main thing to remember is that the quality of the replies given by members is directly proportional to the quality and depth of information given in the question. In your case, the question was spot on in that respect. If you had not mentioned Track Pack C, I would not have immediately picked up on the R8201 Link Wire issue. So when asking a question, include as much info as possible. What might not seem relevant to you, might be highly relevant to us. The Track Pack C info being a 'case in point'.


Let us know how you get on after following my advice about removing the R8201 Link Wire and fitting R8232 point clips.


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