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DCC novice


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I'm currently rebuilding my 1970/80's layout -I'm perfectly happy with my 1970,s analogue  locos but having purchased a couple of new locos which are DCC ready I would quite like to have the sound facility on these locos working , I have one loop on the layout which is isolated from the rest and my question is (given I know virtually nothing about DCC ) what are the basic requirements to have this one loop setup for DCC working with the 2 new locos working on this loop? I have looked at various sources but with the myriad of equipment available I am unsure what type of decoders  and controllers etc are required for what would be initially at least be a pretty basic setup


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....which are DCC Ready I would quite like to have the sound facility on these locos working.


Just to be crystal clear. DCC Ready locos are DC Analogue locos until such time as you fit a decoder into the socket contained within the loco. So these DCC Ready locos will not have any sound facility (capability), until such time as a sound decoder and speaker of your choice are installed in them.


Sound decoders are normally supplied with the appropriate sounds loaded into them. So you would need to specify the Class of loco they are going to be fitted in at the time of purchase. As to the actual sound decoders that you fit. These could be Hornby TTS sound decoders at about £40 each for DIY installation, up to the ESU Loksound sound decoder at about £115 fitted by the supplier. Sound decoders are also available from the likes of Zimo and Economi with prices in-between the two prices quoted.


Note: The average ESU Loksound £115 price is typically broken down as £85 for a blank ESU decoder plus £15 to have the appropriate 'soundscape' files loaded plus £15 to have the decoder and speaker fitted in the loco.


You would also need a DCC controller to make the DCC decoders work.


Note: that the power connection to your separate & physically isolated DCC enabled track section must be a Digital power connection, and not one previously used on DC Analogue. The Analogue ones are different, and are not compatible with Digital DCC. Hornby Digital power connectors are R8241 and/or R8242.


Have a read of Chapter 5 and Chapter 6 of my 'Getting Started' PDF which will answer more of your question about controller types and products (Hornby bias of course). You can download & view my PDF file from here:




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