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Still Waiting ......duh

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Jacob - it will turn out a bit like this...




Apart from it won't be blue but it will be yellow, it won't be BR but it will be Network Rail & it won't have a face on it (unless you put on a face like I did!!!)  😉 😆

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If you knew when it was coming it wouldn't be a surprise - nothing like the postman delivering a package you weren't expecting. Our DPD delivery man said to me the other day "whenever I see a package with Hornby tape around it, I know where it's going without looking at the address"!

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@ B.B. :- WOW that amazing u must order a lot from Hornby then!!!  😉 😮 😀 I too get my parcel from DPD - & it it always the same nice driver (I even know his name b/c it tell me on the Delivery on route time screen thingy - if you know what I mean!!!) & last time he said to me, he had signed it for me on my behalf which I said was ok b/c he knew me!!! I only order from Hornby only once or twice a year if that!!!


@ W. T. D. :- Get a coin - heads it's "BR green" & tails it's "an industrial colour scheme" then flip it & see which side it lands & if by any chance it happens if the coin happens to land on its edge then repaint it half BR green & half industrial colour scheme - No just to confuse the idea even more - repaint it BR Blue like mine!!!  😉 😆 😀

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Yeahhh may be I have posted my B.R. blue LIMA models on this forum 1 or 2 many times Sarahagain!!!!   😉 😀 😆


Also Is that what my 2 B.R. blue LIMA models are called "Plymouth Switcher"??? So after all these years (since I was about 8 yrs old) is that what you are saying Saragagain??? 😮

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Hi had word today from Sue at Hornby, the yellow Network Rail 04 shunter will be expected in August. It’s bad publicity as I joined in June and expected to have my club magazine and free loco within the two weeks. Still waiting they should have the loco in stock for such occasions.

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Also Is that what my 2 B.R. blue LIMA models are called "Plymouth Switcher"??? So after all these years (since I was about 8 yrs old) is that what you are eating Saragagain??? 😮


Yes, the LIMA model is based on a "Plymouth" make Diesel Switcher, from the USA.


There are several models that have been made of these locos by various manufacturers, mainly for the American market.


Very popular for the starter set market.






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Hi WTD I’m not complaining in anyway and I can definitely survive, I’m just pointing out that when I joined the email I received said I would have the loco and magazine within two weeks. 

Anyway less of that I’m just looking forward to the loco arrivin. 😉

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Did it say that. Bit of a rash promise wasn’t it?  😆

I rechecked my email and I have mis read it, they said I would receive my card, pin badge and magazine within 28 days which I have and the loco will follow. My mistake.

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@ Sarahagain :- WOW - there are many varation to my "Plymouth Switcher" - did not realise that!!! Nor did I realise that - "Plymouth Locomotive Works was a US builder of small railroadlocomotives. All Plymouth locomotives were built in a plant in Plymouth, Ohio until 1997 when the company was purchased by Ohio Locomotive Crane and production moved to Bucyrus, Ohio in 1999. Production of locomotives has now ceased, and rights to the spare parts business have been sold to Williams Distribution."

Every day is a school day!!!

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 I already have this diesel shunter in red, not bad for a freelance model. I may consider re-livery of both this and the yellow club model into another less garish livery, cannot decide yet whether it will be green or black. I used to work for Network Rail, I probably don't want a model to remind me 😆!

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