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Wiring reverse loops in DCC


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Do I still need these if I am using DCC?


Absolutely yes. The high level section between the two R618 isolating tracks is called a 'Reverse Loop'. On a DCC layout where the track is always live, the reverse loop will create a permanent 'short circuit' if the R618 track pieces are excluded. As a DCC powered layout you will need to add a 'Reverse Loop Module' if you want the 'short circuit' to be resolved automatically without further user intervention.




For more information. Download my Reverse Loop Tutorial PDF from here:



When the page above opens click the file name in the top left corner to download.


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Just a couple of points about this layout:


It has 2 derailment hotspots - the curved point top right (they are notorious for this and many avoid them entirely, made worse here as on a slope), and the inner loop connection to the reversing loop top left going from the curve to the point.


The slopes - I estimate they are in the order of 1 in 20.  Maximum modern locos are likely to handle are 1 in 40 or 50, especially on curves.  Set up a test slope and see how your locos go.

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I was going to build this layout in DCC and didn't know where to place the DPDT switches ( I assumed there was supposed to be at least one on the layout due to the reverse loop ). I also wasn't sure if I should have one or multiple power points. Thanks in advance.


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You use DPDT switches for a reverse loop on a DC powered layout. On a DCC layout the switches are replaced by a RLM as I documented in your other post published yesterday.


See further above.

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