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Out Of Stock TTS Decoders


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I have noticed that several Classes of TTS decoders are out of stock everywhere and many folk have requested when and if there will be re-issues by Hornby.


To bring all those requests into one place could folk please list again those TTS decoders they want that are currently out of stock anywhere, (except by way of the odd ebay chancers).


I am not looking for a wishlist of those decoders that have not been marketed yet - e.g. DMUs, etc, just those from the TTS range to date.


Maybe if Hornby could see a list of which classes are popular but not now available they may consider a new batch..


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I don't know why they don't do more. Compared to the other sound decoders, they are a bargain.

The main problem is I think, they have to order a minimum quantity production run, even for retreads and that is probably a couple of thousand units which is a lot to shift if only a few folk want a particular class of loco, hence why they rely so much on the pre-order scheme to gauge interest. If a product doesn’t pass its line in the sand of profit then the product gets usually binned for now. We have seen it too often in the past when a future catalogue item falls by the wayside.

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When I said more I meant more of the ones that have run out. I am assuming that they are digital technology, so I would have thought the hardware is the same. All they do is put the signature in the ROM, probably Flash these days. Perhaps they rely on the Supplier to do this, hence the issue. I am pretty sure that is what the rest do, because whenever I have bought an expensive one they say we just have to program it. I could understand it with railway stuff that requires investment in moldings, but digital is generally always the same, just the digitised waveforms that are different. They already have these, I saw the guy on James May's program collecting them.

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Sorry to go off topic a bit but it beats me why Hornby don't have continuous stock of class 37 and 47 TTS  decoders.  I suspect the class 50s will run out soon too.


The same reason they don't have continuous stock of anything.


They order up a minimum order of quantity production batch of say 2000 decoders and when they run out they decide if and when to order another batch, which obviously brings with it a lead time to gain a production slot.


Even if an initial batch runs out there is no way of guessing how many more are needed. I don't suppose they can say mix a production batch either, say 1/2 this Class and 1/2 another Class.


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  • 1 year later...

It's an interesting conundrum. The more expensive brands don't have the same problem because they tailor the chip as the last step in classic lean manufacturing. That way the hardware can be ordered to a min stock level based on lead time for a generic hardware. It is an assumption that Hornby order the final product in batch qty. I know that hardware differences may mean the one-time write hardware on TTS may not be able to be done that way but one would think it would be worth Hornby looking at it that way if they haven't already. Would they capture more demand and be able to provide better service that way... 

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I think they did do another batch of class 37s, because they ran out and then became available again. The big issue is Hornby order them in batches according to RAF96 it seems it is 2000, so once they have ran out they don't want to do a new run that they might not sell. Rails must have had a pile of class 66 ones as they were doing a deal on them about a week ago.

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If you are going to pay £90.00 for a class 60 one on EBay you might as well buy a Zimo one, they are only £99.00. TTS decoders are good value as long as they are less than £50.00, above that you might as well consider one of the expensive ones. At the moment Hornby are working from home so you can't really blame them for running out of stock, it is just like trying to get Peco points. Even people like YouChoos have run out of certain types of Zimo decoders, so for once I don't think it is Hornby's fault.

I suspect Hornby don't make these, I think they just probably give the supplier a file suitably formatted for them to load, so the thing is with Electronics there is normally a minimum number for a production run and it is usually in the thousands.

I remember the difficulty I had once trying to get 10 off of a SMD populated PCB. It it had been thousands no problem, but ten, not worth setting up the machinery.

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That is a normal marketing plan AndyMac. Split the batch into some for loco fit and some as retro-kits. After that it's an educated guess as to when to do a re-run for those that have sold out.


Of course as new locos are introduced then new TTS decoders will be launched and if those locos are new versions of existing locos then more TTS retro kits could be an offshoot of that production run.


I would think Hornby must  a master plan to role out replacements on a regular basis based on retailer feedback, hence why I started this thread to help reinforce their market intelligence.


TTS decoders have improved since original launch and they have a bright future. All I can say is watch this space...


I am waiting for them to make Vent Van 3  -  and 4  -  and 5.  What other themes can they produce?? What would you like??

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I am not sure that is their logic, they released the last class 47 without releasing a new loco. I think it just comes down to whatever sells. Class 37 and class 47s will always sell, they are the two locos that seem to fetch a premium on EBay. They seem to always have stocks of A4s and A1/A3s.

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  • 1 year later...

I think at the moment Hornby's business model to put it mildly is chaotic and then there is the world wide chip shortage. There are firms in the UK that will update hardware, even up to several thousand. When we made a mess up on a software release for some vehicles we got this firm in that reprogramed the modules (it was cheaper than replacing all the modules). When I questioned how they were going to do it I was told they would do it on a car by car basis and this was for about 2000 cars. We all know from the Hornby program how easy it is to reprogram them as we saw exactly how their electrical guy did it (very similar as to how I would program an engine management unit). If you are any good you can write a script on a PC to do it, just telling the operator when to put the next device in. I don't quite know what the logic is for releasing the different loco sounds, it doesn't seem to bear much relation as to what locos are currently being released and the only locos currently that have them are generally Railroad ones. From a business point of view it is easy money just blow a sound file into existing hardware, no new development costs other than getting the sound file. The only issue is that they aren't the most reliable of devices and they are getting very expensive.

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In your post in this thread on 10 November 2020 you said "TTS decoders are good value as long as they are less than £50".

Hornby's current RRP is only £50.99, and they are available between £40 and £46 at retailers, so I don't understand you now claiming ".....they are getting very expensive." particularly with Zimo at more than double those prices.

I accept availability is another matter, but even that is not confined only to Hornby.

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I take it from the lack of a list that there are either no shortages or folk do not want TTS at the price.

My local model shop seems to get stocks of TTS decoders at regular intervals and apparently they sell out quickly.

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