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Out Of Stock TTS Decoders


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Rob, I would suggest that Hornby should look at a run of decoders that can be used as generic sounds for a range of locos.

For example, I use the J36 in many of my ‘northern’ 2 cylinder locos. Bringing back the Fowler 4F would help in this regard.

Similarly, a generic decoder for 3 and 4 cylinder locos would be welcome.

My rationale for this is that at this price range, the purchaser is probably less critical of the sound being not quite ‘right’ for a particular class. So from existing TTS files they could produce decoders for 2/3/4 cylinder locos from each of the main four companies + BR with company specific whistles. After all a GWR whistle would not work on any other region’s loco and vice versa.

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I have got to admit 96RAF I stopped looking, I was after class 60, Princess/Duchess, class 50 ones. Surprising I found the Duchess one at the Keithly and Worth Railway shop at Haworth when on holiday, it must have been really old stock. I have noticed recently that class A1/A3 ones are difficult to get. I recently bought a cheap Bachmann class 20 loco with sound fitted thinking I would take out the decent decoder and put it in mine. I was horrified to find that it was a TTS decoder, I didn't even realise Hornby made that one.

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I have pushed for both a generic steam and diesel TTS decoder ala Econami several times, but at the time the decoder tech could not support multi-loco switching due to memory limitations. As we know the TTS vent vans can run up to three sounds concurrently, so maybe next generation will be able to support such multi tasking.


I have a TTS 20 and with a good speaker it captures the loco’s character spot on. There is a 1:1 Class 20 on the NNR top of Norfolk so I could compare the two.


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Rob, a selectable whistle would be a good idea but I don’t think they need to go that far. A basic (or generic) 2 cylinder + a typical LMS whistle on one decoder. Then the same 2 cylinder + a typical GWR whistle on another for example. That would satisfy a significant number of modellers, I’m sure.

I would even suggest that they already have sound files on the books to satisfy this so little investment needed other than a change in packaging and marketing.

Its presumed that basic chips to accommodate this would be a little cheaper than multitasking chips? (Assuming they are available given the much publicised world shortages).

Now I’m the first to admit that this ‘basic’ approach would be aimed more at the toy end of the market (potentially a large share of the total market as well) but that still leaves space for the more discerning modeller to spend a lot more dosh on bespoke products.

Lets face it, Hornby have come in for a lot of criticism for the simplicity of their decoders, chuff rate for example, and this generic approach would head that off by not pretending that they are something they are not.

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Yes 96RAF I changed the speaker to a decent one from "Road and Rails" and to be quite honest there isn't much difference between the TTS and the LokSound. The only major difference is when the one with the LokSound slows down you hear the braking. The TTS doesn't do that but that is why the LokSound is a lot more expensive. The TTS was horrible with the supplied speaker.

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Yes Colin auto-functions are a good feature, e.g dropping brakes and/or clearing steam along with a short whistle/horn before moving off, flange squeal and various other sounds appropriate to a moving or stationary engine during the journey and brakes on as you stop, all very realisti, if your decoder supports them.

Then of course other advanced features such as shunt mode, auto-coupling, etc also add play value and to the price.

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