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RM Handheld Purchase Problem

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I haven't used Railmaster for several months but I am now running RM 1.71.0 on a Windows 7 laptop.

This forum has helped me solve the issues with 1.70 on the laptop, so I have now tried the new handheld app evaluation on tablet and phone, this is much better than a few years ago.

I want to purchase the handheld upgrade but I am not succeeding. On submitting the purchse form an error message appears 'Unable to enter resource - 12007'. Acknowledging this brings up a further error message 'Could not connect to the orders/licensing gateway  Please check your connection to the internet or try again later.'

Railmaster is showing that it is connected to the internet and had checked online for updates on start up.

I have tried again several times. I have tried sending an in-app help request but this also results in the error message 'Could not connect to the orders/licensing gateway  Please check your connection to the internet or try again later.'

I have tried disabling the Windows Firewall and only use Windows Defender AV on this machine.

Any suggestions?

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Follow the guidance about adding an exception to the Windows Firewall in the Railmaster Security.pdf placed on your PC as part of RM installation.


The exception, of course, may already be there......but if it isn't, then that would definitely cause the error messages you have quoted.


If the guidance in the PDF is not clear enough for you, then review this previous thread.


PS - Disabling the PC security seems to rarely make any difference to this issue if posts and threads on this forum are anything to go by. The error messages you have quoted are definitely caused by a security configuration issue on your PC. But Windows Firewall and Windows defender are so deeply embedded into the Windows operating system that they are very difficult to defeat even if using the built in 'disable' options.

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Thanks for the reply, Chrissaf.

There already was an exception for Railmaster in the firewall, in fact two, one ticked for private and one for public. I have replaced these with a single entry with both ticked. Still does not allow the purchase to go through.

The laptop has a relatively recent and clean install of W7 that has never had any AV software other than Firewall/Defender installed, so there shouldn't be any remnants causing problems.

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Problem solved and purchase in progress.

During the 1.70 update issues I had saved a copy of the Railmaster folder within Program Files (x86). I noticed that the date modified on this backup folder had been changed recently, so Railmaster has been accessing both the Railmaster folder and this backup. I saved the backup folder to external media and deleted it from Program Files (x86). Railmaster then allowed the purchase to proceed at the next attempt.

I would just like to finish with a thank you to all on the forum, particularly the community moderators for their sage advice regarding Railmaster.

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This just goes to prove that it is unwise to tinker with folders and files inside Windows system file and program file areas unless you are really sure of what you are doing. However that said, I am glad your issue is solved. Given the nature of the cause, there is every likelihood that no forum member would have been able to deduce that issue and solution, well not without seeing a screenshot of your Railmaster program folder structure.

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