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Newcomer to Railmaster


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Hello all!!

I am an Ecos DCC user that is trying to use his setup on an Elite with the railmaster demo software. I seem to be getting somewhere i.e. have got the system recognised within my Windows7 Home premium 64 bit laptop, setup 2 ESU loksound

3.5 sound equiped locos and done a quick loop in the Design layout box. However here the problems start. It also seems to recognise and fires through the elite 2 of my points:

1. Upon program startup I get a screen that is completely blank (black) apart

from my 2 locos which appear in the right hand part of window above All Stop button, and a little mouse logo in bottom left. How do you get the program to startup with the relevant track displayed (i.e. the one I drew in Design layout window) in the

main 'black area' of the window? Or is this normal behaviour? I guess you don't use the track diagram drawn in Design Layout window to control things, as how do you fire points using the red and green buttons - have tried clicking on them in this view

with mouse and nothing happens. So guess I am not doing something right here?
2. Have tried using the slider control for one of my setup locos - which I have managed to get the sound to come on/off but as soon as I try using mouse to slide speed control

upwards it invariably locks railmaster and I cannot further change the loco speed using it. This seems to also be the case if I try and use the up/down arrows of keyboard - however the elite still seems to be in control. I have to use task manager to kill


Is this familiar to any users?

Thanks in anticipation,

Alf K
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I think your problem is the demo.

In railmaster when you design your track layout and choose this as your screen setting, it will always appear.

The point motors are operated by the buttons, but you have to be sure to have them the right

way round and set them to left or right.

Re the screen freezing, I have heard of this but not experianced it.

I use the slider control, I dont move the slider but click above it which makes the train go faster but has never frozen the screen.


think the demo version will allow you to do so much, but will not allow you to do everything as being free they would not sell any.
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