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Points and accessory decoder

malc 64

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ive just programed a new accessorry decoder using elite controller but by mistake I typed in  3 instead of 4 so now it changes points 9 to 12 which I've already got with decoder 3,can I reprogram the new decoder again to address 4

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Yes, just go through the exact same process you used before, but this time use the address you want to use. This will just over-write the incorrect address.


Just for information, writing 8 to CV8 will restore all R8247 settings to the factory default which is port DCC addresses 1 to 4 for ports 1 to 4. This 'factory reset' process is useful to know for when the R8247 gets corrupted due to a transient short circuit ocurring on the track. These Hornby R8247s are (unfortunately) sometimes affected this way by a track short on the DCC power feed. It is quite common.

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