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Will RM run without an attached controller?

Guest Chrissaf

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Not sure if this has already been answered, if it has i do apologise, do you need elink to use railmaster or can it run by itself?

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RailMaster will run without any controller being attached. In fact in the 'System Settings' - 'Controller A' pull down box there is a 'None' option if I recall.


However, without a controller, whether that be an eLink or an Elite, then there is nothing that you can physically do with RM. RM's communication with the outside world is via the attached controller.


So why would RM give a controller 'None' option?


The only logical reason that I can think of, is that it allows the user to take their time setting up and configuring RM away from their layout whilst supressing the 'controller not found' error messages.


For example, creating your 'Track Plan' in RM can be done without a controller attached. You can actually create your loco roster in RM without an attached controller too. However, you do need the controller to change any CVs for a loco and the loco DCC address. But as far as adding a loco to the RM rosta list is concerned, not only can that be done without a controller, you don't even need to have the loco in your possession either.


An unusual question......why do you ask it?


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If I may add to Chris's always helpful answer, I run RM at home without my eLink connected when I'm writing and testing programs. I have one program for each signal; when a signal is clicked in RM the program sets the route (i.e. points) from that signal to the next signal, sets the signals to red for any conflicting routes and finally sets to green the signal I've just clicked on to show that the program has finished and the train driver can go. The RM layout shows which signal is set to what and also the point directions. When I'm happy with my programs I copy them plus the revised track layout to the running layout, which is at a friend's house. I should add I've also written a program to set all my signals to red before carrying out the program test. When I'm on the "real" layout I do a final check of the program by running trains and ensuring that any real signals change correctly.

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