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GWR Engine shed


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Am I missing something? I have received a R9667 GWR Engine shed for my birthday.
When I place it over track the doors cannot close. The pictures on the box show one with a track going into it with a door shut. Is mine faulty or do I need to do something

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I don't think you've got a duff one, looking at photos on the web its clear there isn't enough room beneath the doors for code-100 rails. I expect that's how they all are, maybe just a design oversight.

If you look at the picture on the box the

shed is standing on the ballast though, so the doors only have to close over the height of the rails, not the rails plus sleepers. If this isn't the case on your layout then I'd suggest extending the track ballast outwards enough so that the shed can stand

on it and be raised slightly.

If this still doesn't work, or you don't use ballast, then you could try raising the shed by sticking strips of something underneath the walls. Thin balsa wood maybe, or thick card. PVA glue should be ok to attach it, &

you can it them the same colour as the bricks to disguise it all.

Otherwise you could file down the bottoms of the doors. Be very careful if you do this however, it will be easy to make a mess of it. Be sure to wear a mask & thin rubber gloves too,

the resin dust that will come off is nasty stuff. :)
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