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TTS decoder.


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I assume it is roughly the same as a Tornedo. I think it should fit under the chimney, I tried it for size with a dummy one I have (I blew it up ages ago, so I now use it for sizing). You will need to get a small sugar cube speaker off YouChoos or some other supplier, which I think will also fit. Funny, I have just converted two of my Hornby A1 so that the electronics will fit in the tender, because I had so much agro fitting TTS into an old Britannia. You can buy all the parts to do it properly when I realised that this is one of the few locos that has a lot of room under the chimney, so I need not have bothered.

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Download service sheet 380 which covers that FS A1 model.


You could replace the speaker with a sugar cube and mount it in the loco as suggested - like this Merchant Navy...



or extend the speaker wires to mount it in the tender on top of the tender weights - like this Mallard. The speaker is sealed in a simple cardboard tube glued to the weight.



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Download service sheet 380 which covers that FS A1 model.


You could replace the speaker with a sugar cube and mount it in the loco as suggested - like this Merchant Navy...



or extend the speaker wires to mount it in the tender on top of the tender weights - like this Mallard. The speaker is sealed in a simple cardboard tube glued to the weight.



Thanks you for sending me your photos, great help. I will go for mounting the speaker in the tender. Will now look for some male & femail block conectors. 

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