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Installation difficulties

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I have problems with installation of TrackMaster due to my main computer drive not being "C"
The installation started well. It found my program files on my main drive "F". Then it tried to load files on to C:\program files\microsoft shared\. Error message

was generated. I pressed ignore, twice.
Trackmaster runs okay but generates error messages and will not allow activation.
Version 1.05 downloaded okay but did help the situation.
Any ideas!

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  • 4 months later...
Not been on here for a while so don't know if you solved this or not.
What may be needed is the folders manually created on your C drive to match those that the installation requires...
So just create the new folder 'program files' and within that

'microsoft shared'.
Windows is not recommended to be installed to anywhere but your C drive precisely for this reason. Windows itself will install anywhere and run all the time but when other vendor's software is written it is always assumed that Windows

on all PC's and laptops will be installed to C as that is the default location for the OS.
I have had a few PC's with odd installs of Windows over the years and it's this type that causes a lot of grief when one piece of software just won't install properly

or just doesn't work without giving errors because the file location path is wrong or not found.
Anyway, if you have solved this, then great.
If not, try the above and maybe others will note this too if they have similar issues.
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