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Railmaster activation doesn't work

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I intended to spend this morning (Saturday) to finally get to grips with setting up Railmaster with my Elite. I bought it yonks ago, and messed around with it a bit, but because of it's initial problems (re point motor settings etc), I left it alone and

decided to come back after it was upgraded. I did activate it at that time, but de-activated it as I intended to move it to another PC. Now, when I come to activate it this morning, I get an error message "error connecting to gateway" sometimes and "Unable

to enter resource - O" other times. I've tested the internet connection on my PC which is working fine with IE etc. It appears it's a problem at Hornby's end. With it being a Saturday, they aren't answering their phone. Anyone got any ideas about what to do?

Is there anything I can do at my end or is it Hornby's server that's down?
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