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Help - Track no longer works!


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Hi all. 
I've built a large track at work. It's four lane for approx half of it. It's had cables soldered and spread evenly around the track. It's suddenly stopped working. The cars have all had their braids changed and still they go around so slow. However, tip them forward on the braids and rear wheels light up! I've cleaned the track, checked all connections but nothing. If anyone can help I'd be grateful. Thanks in advance. 

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Hi Rev Pete.


I would check that the braid plates are all pushed back into the notch on the guide so the removable plate exactly covers the rotating guide base. That seems to me like it could be the problem.


A regular clean of the track might help too, depending on how dirty/dusty your work place is.


What powerbase are you using?


Hope that fixes things - let us know.

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