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Point control for passing loop?

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I'm having trouble with setting up passing loops in Railmaster. I have a typical passing loop where points face eachother so to pass through the loop, both points have to be set curved. I've set them up with different accessory decoders but with the same

number as my loops are quite long and I didn't want long wires. It works fine with the Elite but I can't work out how to program in RM. When I set it up on the layout designer, if I click one point, on the diagram it turns the opposite point the wrong way,

so one is curved, the other is straight, and vice versa. I just can't get them to both show straight or both show curve. It's driving me mad!
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Hi Invincible, Just to confirm the exact problem you are struggling with, is it just that Railmaster is showing the two points opposing one another but the real points are doing what you want them to do which is both switching to the loop together when

needed? Secondly, are you likely to want to switch the two points independant of each other or will they always be either both on main or both on loop? Dependent on your reply there is a solution to your problem
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Hi all

If you have them both connected to the same decoder out let you can not switch them independant anyway

i have had this problem as well and what i do is only put 1 red/green button on railmaster leave the other one blank
when you

install them just check witch way they turn
make sure the one with the flesh showes correct
and if nessasary change the wires on the other so it turns correct
then both will turn into the passing loop with one mouse click on the one with the buttons


tried all other ways and this is the only way it will work in railmaster

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if you have them on separate decoder out puts
and then set them as a route group it will work ok
just thought

i would add that before someone comes in and says i was wrong

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Hi Mike_G Rather than having a "blank" point it is perfectly possible to have a "phantom" point number which can be linked to the real point in the address list and can be made to show the correct position at all times, I have a number of these on one

of my Railmaster diagrams and it works perfectly, just remember to give the phantom point a sufficiently high address that you are never likely to actually use.
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