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model turntable


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Since you posted this question in the DCC Forum shall we just assume that your layout is DCC powered?


And shall we just assume that the turntable is a Hornby R070 turntable?


If you want meaningful guidance, then you have to at least give us a fighting chance by providing meaningful information to support your question. Like for example......exactly where on the TT did the sparks come from.


What controller are you using?

Is it the Hornby R070 TT?

How are you powering the TT to rotate the bridge track piece?

What were you doing when the sparks displayed....for example were you trying to turn the TT rotating bridge?


But first things first. If the layout is DCC powered and the TT is a Hornby R070. The R070 is designed for use on an Analogue DC powered layout not a DCC powered one. The R070 TT has to be electrically modified to make it compatible with DCC eles it generates 'short circuits'. Sparking is usually an indicator of a 'short circuit'.


These existing threads document the recommended method to modify a R070 TT for use on a DCC layout.


R070 Turn Table DCC Modification



R070 DCC Conversion – my version with a detailed drawing



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Two ifs to think about, assuming you are using the R070 TT on a DCC layout without modification:


-  If you connect the motor directly to the DCC track power, it will likely get burnt out in short order.  More likely to produce smoke than sparks, from under the TT where you can't see it.  You need to connect the motor to a loco decoder.


-  If you have the motor connected to a decoder and you rotate the bridge, and you haven't modified the power connections to the bridge, you'll get a short and likely sparks as soon as bridge track A and inlet track B (or vice versa) contact each other (before rotation these were A to A and B to B).  You need to modify as per Chris's linked instructions above.


But do tell us exactly what you have, how you set it up and where did the sparks come from.

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