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Lack of short circuit message Ver 1.72

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Morning and a happy new year to all.

I know I have seen this subject before but for the life of me I can't find it so I apologise for starting it anew.

Following a computer crash, I have had to reload Railmaster and all its updates to Version 1.72.  I have solved the lack of communication between railmaster and elink following the advice of members on this forum and that is working fine but I cannt solve the lack of a short circuit message.  I am having to exit then restart railmaster to solve this.

Could some one kindly post the fix please.  I am running Railmaster on a windows 8 PC

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  • 5 months later...

Follow the instructions EXACTLY as written in my reply to this similar posted question [specifically the bit about deleting and retyping the entries at the end of the file].



Although not mentioned in the linked post above, given that you are using 1.72 I would also take the opportunity to change 'Reset eLink on start' from =1 to =0 if it is still =1.

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