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Rail master Pro -combining points

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I am 14 years old and have cerebral palsy  (non-verbal)and use a camera controlled with my eyes to control RM.

Just upgraded to pro and points now longer reset themselves at the start-up - what do I need to do to make sure points are reset when connecting?

Also, how do I set up so that I can change two sets of points at the same?

Need some easy to follow instruction.


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This is a well known issue with RailMasterPro and this question comes up quite regularly.


With RailMaster (RM) PRO, to re-instate the 'Set points on start up' you have to do the following:


  1. Within RM open your track plan in edit mode.
  2. Right click each point icon in your plan and configure a 'start up position number'.

See image below (yellow highlight)




Say for example your layout has 8 points. For the first point for that you add this additional configuration you would enter 1 in the yellow box and choose whether you want the point to go left or right as the default direction.


In the next point that you add this configuration to, you would enter the number 2 in the yellow highlighted box.......


........ and so on until all 8 points have a sequential number from 1 to 8.


Save your plan and exit RM. Then as long as you have the 'Set Points on Start Up' check box ticked on the main 'System Settings' screen. The points will set themselves up as per the numbered sequence you have set the next time RM is started.


The need to configure these sequential numbers is not (for some reason) required when you are using RailMaster 'Standard Edition', but is required for it to work in PRO.


Also, how do I set up so that I can change two sets of points at the same?


It depends upon whether the two points are physically installed as a 'Passing Loop' or installed as a 'Cross-over' between two different loops.


If it is a 'Passing loop' use the PRO feature to trigger the setting of the second point when operating the first point......see further below and also the 'Passing Loop' clickable link for configuration information.


If it is a 'Cross-over' then either wire both points in parallel to the same DCC Accessory Port. Then give both points on the track plan the SAME DCC Address so that clicking either operates both points together.


Give both ports that are connected to the two points the same DCC address. This option requires two different Accessory Decoders because you can't give two ports on the same Accessory Decoder the same DCC Address. Again the points on the track plan are given the same address so that clicking either operates both points together.


Use the PRO 'Other Point' feature (as also used to support 'Passing Loops').....see image below. In this option, each point is wired to a different decoder port each with its own address. Say for example Point A has Address 2 and Point B has Address 6.




In the Point A (Address 2) configuration box you would select Address 6 as the other point.


In the Point B (Address 6) configuration box you would select Address 2 as the other point.


This results in both points operating when either Point A OR Point B is operated on the track plan.


Note: As I understand it (I don't have PRO myself) for the 'Other Point' to display and be selectable in the 'pull-down' selection box (yellow highlight in image above). It first has to be a point that has already had a basic configuration completed on the 'track plan'. What I mean by this, is that all the points on the track plan should have a DCC Address assigned to them by completing the 'right click' configuration box. Once all the points have had their DCC addresses set, they should then be listed in the 'pull down' Other Point box. Thus you set up the 'Other Point' configuration as a secondary separate configuration task after completing the set basic address task first. This means that for some points, you have to go back and edit an existing point configuration box previously configured.


Rather than re-invent the wheel. This previous thread discusses how to use RM PRO to support a 'Passing Loop' in RailMaster and describes the PRO 'Other Point' configuration feature.




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Hello Oli,


Another new Forum member asked this very question last week, so I created a program which will allow a Railmaster user to set the startup sequence number of points to the value of the points' DCC address. It allows the user to be selective as to which points are set at startup. It is available for download from my OneDrive cloud storage area using this link:-




The program is called RMUtil.exe and there is also a program user guide in both Word 2016 and PDF format. Having downloaded the program, it should be run "as Administrator" to allow it to rewrite your amended layout file.



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