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Front bogey derailment


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Does the bogie derail at the same place each time or randomly?  Is it on plain track, straight or curved, or at pointwork?  If you turn the loco upside down, are the bogie wheels the same distance apart along their axles as the driving wheels?  Can the bogie rotate freely and move a little vertically?


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It's derailing mostly on curves but will go round two or three times then derail at random if I send it round at a crawl it's better but anything more than that it's hopeless one of my other locos is a brand new black 5 that runs perfect. I will check the back to back 

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All said above.


Check the B2B.

Is the track joined correctly?

Is the track level / flat?


If all of the above are YES / DONE, then the next thing is to gently put a little more weight on the bogie - perhaps it's been bent up and the bogie's running too light ... be careful here - only minute adjustments.


As you bend the bracket / put more weight on the bogie, you're doing the opposite to the drivers - taking weight off them, which will mean less pulling power / traction.



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It's worth checking how many washers (if any) there are between the spring and the bogie - there should, I believe, be one, but my B17 had two originally and this caused problems.  Another problem which seems to occur sometimes with Hornby front bogies - some seem to run better if the T shaped slotted bracket is screwed tightly into the chassis so it cannot move, on others they seem to derail when this is the case, and prefer the screw to be slightly loose so that there is more vertical and horizontal movement.  I've no idea why, but I've found this with a few locos of mine (B17, A3, A4, Tornado).  

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With the loco on the track look carefully at the front driving wheels are they down on track or lifted up slightly. If they are lifted then thevbogie us exerting too much pressure on the track.

If the drivers are flat on the track is the bogie sitting flat on the track or are the front wheels slightly lifted. 

Check the attachment plate and it springs and washers.

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Hello W. W. N.


Good News (kinda - not sure how this will help you???)

I have the exact same Loco as you...




& this is my current lay out...




I gave it a run around on both loops backwards & forwards - even backward & forwrads acoss the points a few times - no trouble at all - the only thing I did find though...






I did find that (as seen in the above 2 photos!!!) that the front bogie is a bit flimsy / lose / flops about but it works absolutely fine!!!

Oh I nearly forgot the bad new - well there isn't any bad new unless you want to count the above "bad news"!!! 

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Yes just had one on my NEW Hogwarts DCC Sound Engine the front Bogie just came off ,the screw had fell out.Luckly i found it and it was a simple case of just screwing it in as long as you get the bogie facing the right way the bars to the front which i did not first time .Perhaps its a good idea just to check these screws from time to time and especially the Hogwarts one.

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  • 5 months later...

Hi all - My new Wellbeck Abbey has started having these issues too. Front bogie seems very loose despite taking it off and putting it back on again to make sure it was all ok. 

The front bogie wheel touches the cylinder, or/and the back wheel edge runs along the piston rod setup a bit. 

What can I do to stop it turning quite so much/being so loose? 

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And actually, the more I look the more I think it is the front outside wheel catching on the underside of the chassis. It seems it can't move under the train without scraping against the underside. At slow paces it is stopping the front wheels turning at all.

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Check that the bogie wheel back-to-back measurement is 14.5mm on both axles.  Which setting are you using on the loco drawbar?  If it is at the closer setting, the inner rear corner of the cab could be catching the front of the tender on 2nd radius curves, forcing the front of the loco out of alignment and causing the bogies wheels to foul the cylinders.

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Yes, my Selby Hall does it over points at a certain speed, but not all the time. I just think the front bogie is a bit floppy, you could do what I did with my Tornedo and buy an old Horny loco pony truck spring and cut it down until the bogie stops derailing.

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