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Buzzing/struggling at low speeds


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I've reciently converted 2 diesels from the thomas range, both 060 (Dielsel + bert) and noticed that while both run very smooth aboth 1/4 speed, both seem to struggle at low speed and make a buzzing/electric crackle. I used the cheaper hornby

decoders and wondering is any one had an opinion is in this case I should have used the more expensive ones as maybe they are deawing to much current at very low speed? strange thing is Gordon + Henry both run fine and would have though they would draw more

current when running low. Maybe my soldering sucks but don't get why it would run fin at higher speed?

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Try adjusting CV10 - Feedback level. It's all to do with the motor characteristics. Those two 0-6-0s have small motors which respond differently to those in the bigger locos.
The default is 128. The documentation says values from 1-128, I'm not sure

if there is a zero value to turn it off completely, if not 1 will probably effectively achieve this.
I'd start from there, and see if the buzzing and poor speed control disappears, then if you're not happy with the characteristics gradually increase it

(say in 10s) until you are.
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