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Ringfield based A3 and A4 tender wheels.


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Does anyone know what part number wheels I require to convert my A4/A3 ringfield based tender so that the uninsulated wheels are insulated. I found the parts to convert the tender to pickup off both sides of the track using replacement parts, but the way Hornby do it, the polarity of the chassis changes, so the solid wheels on the axles at the end of the driven wheels need to be insulated. I tried buying the later Railroad wheels, not realising that they are slightly bigger (obviously more to scale). Either that, or if anyone knows where I can get suitable insulater bushes to convert the uninsulated wheels.

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Sorry bit confused here. The wheels on a two rail ring field tender drive are insulated already other wise they would short the left and right rails all the time.

The set of wheels that are driven have rubber traction tyres on them to give grip so that the loco can pull carriages. These are not insulators.

Putting tyres on the other wheels will serve no purpose.

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I want to insulate the wheels from the axle because if you fit the later motor back and motor front plate you get pickups on both sets of wheels. Unfortunately, what was the insulated side with the drive wheels now becomes chassis live, as the pickup is connected straight to the chassis. The mototor bushes side has pickups to pickup power from what was the uninsulated wheels but now this is the insulated side as the pickup goes to the plastic backplate. If I leave the wheels as they are, the uninsulated wheels are connected to the other wheels via the chassis. So on later Hornby ringfields both sets of wheels are insulated. Does that explain it.

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Without criticising Hornby too much, if they had insulated the pickup on the gears side then there would be no need for the insulated wheels. I can see why they did it this way, it is slightly easier and it means that you don't have any issues with oil on the axles causing issues with connections. 

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@Going Spare  Yes, did that first off, looked for latest ringfield type before they changed the chassis and motor. Unfortunately, the Service Sheet lists a set which incidently you cannot get anymore. The trouble is Service Sheets don't tell you the size, but there again neither do parts books for cars or motorbikes. Peters Spares sells individual wheels whose part numbers don't exist in the Service Sheets, as do a number of the spares they sell. Anyway by rigorous searching I think I have found the right ones and ordered a couple to see if they fit.

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