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Updating an Elite with a MacBook

Guest Chrissaf

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Please can you tell me if I can download the latest update to my Mac and if it will update my elete from it.

Everything I've seen talk about Windows.

Thank you


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Hi Mickey -  if you are not able to do it yourself, and can't find a friend with Windows, Hornby will do it, but it will cost £20 (inc. P&P).  I phoned Hornby and got a "job number", then posted my Elite on a Tueday afternoon - it was back with me Friday morning. This of course is the last resort, if you are not able to do it yourself. BB

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Just a word of warning. I used this app to update my Elite, it relies a lot on the computers speed, although there is a menu item (listbox in "windows" speak) to set it. Trouble is, it erases the memory then attempts to reprogram the Elite. In my case I didn't realise that you had to set the speed in the listbox, so basically I now had a brick as it had erased the memory. Once I realised I needed to set the speed/delay it worked OK. The thing that concerns me, is whether with the MAC, even if you get the USB comms to work, would you be able to set the speed/delay to be slow enough.

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The installer ‘speeds’ are set to cater for the XP generation of chipsets up to Intel i7 equivalent chipsets, so it should be able to cope with a Mac running a Windows emulator.


Many folk have asked what happens if I mess up the update and end up with a ‘brick’ - well you just go back to square one and try the install again. It works eventually unless the Elite has some latent damage causing it to fail completely, which has only been reported by two folk over the many years of updates.

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Colin, I'm surprised you haven't been around long enough to have seen one of the 27 million (I never exaggerate) references to Chris's detailed instructions on using the update app incl speed setting strategy, also often referenced by Rob who did the research on that strategy.  But no matter, you figured it yourself.  And would seem that if you have the app running under an emulator, access to speed setting shouldn't be a problem as it is internal to the app.  Can't imagine it only half running.

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Actually, I suppose I was a bit stupid, I just assumed it would be in the instructions on the website or in the help menu on the application. I have covered this in an earlier post, having just updated a Fleishmann controller I just assumed it would be the roughly the same. I used to write applications to reprogram automotive modules in Dealerships, so I just assumed it would be the same (the "on screen instructions" tell you what to do). It is really easy when writing a "windows" app.

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