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Plug n Play decoders


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I have asked this question on other forums, but assumed there would be more Elite users on this forum?  I have used a TCS direct fitting decoder in almost all of my loco's, however they are getting more expensive. The Liverpool shop has there own version, which is considerably cheaper, and get good reports, but it says on their site that it doesn't always work so well with "some" Hornby controllers. Has anyone used these decoders with an Elite, and did it work well. Many thansk. BB

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BB, I have used Google's Advanced Search to find all forum posts which have these three words in them....Hattons & Decoder & Elite. Click the link to see the search results.


For all readers, what I have done above can be done by anybody and completely overcomes the inadequacies of the inbuilt Hornby Forum search function.


How to use the Google Advanced Search to find forum posts is covered in TIP 10 of my 'How to get the best out of this forum' tutorial.

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The important thing to note when reading the posts gleaned from the hits found by the search is the dates they were posted and the kit revision states in play at the time as for many of the posts much water has passed under the bridge and those posts are fairly meaningless now, although they do make a firm statement about how things were then.


I think you will find at the latest revisions any Hornby kit works well with most other manufcaturers kit. If it doesn’t then please provide all the detail required and it will be passed to Hornby for investigation.

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The potential issue was that you didn't specify exactly which Hatton's decoder by model number. If I recall correctly, I don't think past reported issues affected all of the Hattons decoder models, only some of them. Hence why I searched the forum for all potential hits. However, it is possible that my memory is mixing up Hattons brand with Gaugemaster's.


Wait a bit longer and check back to see. You might still get a 'I have 'issues / no issues' with that combination' response. But this is perhaps more likely to happen if you were to specifiy the Hattons decoder model number you are interested in.

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@RDS - as I noted some time back in discussion with Hattons - they would not provide data to allow investigation nor would they drop their caveat as they could not guarantee compatibility. Bit of a head in the sand stale mate, so folk have to do their own assessment.

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I think I have used all sorts of makes of decoders with my Elite and they definitely work as DCC decoders. I assume the issue may come with reading and writing CV values as these are probably critical with timing. I know that the Elite does not always get it right with even Hornby's own modules as if you try to read the Manufacturers id the Elite sometimes reads it sometimes returns a value, sometimes not. So perhaps the reason that there is an issue is that they cannot gaurantee the reading and writing of CV values. Currently all my decoders are set at standard as I am still building my layout, so I have not tried reading and writing CVs with all the decoders. I do know they are all different at interpreting the signal especially over dirty track (the LaisDCC ones occasionally go backwards), but you would expect that as probably the software implentation in them is different. I have a Hattons decoder in one of my A4's it is a 9 pin (yes really old failed standard) so I will check.

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