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New MS on AFX/Tyco Track


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Having recently messed with the new Micro Scalextric chassis in a racing capacity on AFX track I feel the need to point out a couple of things.

Firstly, the new MS chassis is superb, poles apart from the older chassis however although they run very well on the AFX track it's near impossible to race them.  The chassis are too wide for the AFX track so although it would make for a competitve car easily matching the speed of a Mega G/+ or the Tyco 440x2 you would need to shave the wheel rims down to have any chance of racing them.  We tried them out on our 4 lane AFX track but the cars will not pass cleanly and one or the other car will deslot all the time, more so on the corners but equally as much on the straights.

We ran them at 18volts and they were incredibly quick but more testing is needed to see how this affects the longevity of the motor.


On a side note, I so wish Scalextric would appreciate that what they have here is more than a childs toy, yes it is a good step into racing but it would seem they are underestimating how many adults would use them.

Last year I built 27 MS scenic layouts, 25 of these were bought by adults for adults, only two were bought for children.  In this day and age, with smaller homes with limited space available these Micro layouts have huge potential but with such limited availability on cars and the fact they're mostly cartoon themed it is not really enticing to the average adult to purchase them other than for kids. 

If only Scalextric had more faith in their own product for the adult market!

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