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Passing Loop Points In Rail Master Indicating Wrong

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Hi all,
I have created my layout on Rail Master and I am in the process of configuring the points. For my passing loops where both sets of points need to be set as curved or straight at the same time I have attached both sets of points to the same port
on the accessory and point decoder so they use the same ID. This works well and flicks the points correctly on the Elite. However on the Rail Master screen it shows one set of points to be set straight and the other end curved each time I throw the points
via RailMaster even though both have thrown correctly on the actual layout. Is there away to make Rail Master show both sets as curved when they are set to curved.

I have based my layout on Track Plan 9 from the Hornby Track Plan book. See my blog at:
<a href="http://tinyurl.com/DwarfboysimBlog">http://tinyurl.com/DwarfboysimBlog</a> showing some pictures of how my layout is constructed if that helps. Any advice or tips greatfully received.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Hello Dwarfboysim

You might need to set them on the same route, if you go to the design screen and select one of the points then make a route called "straight" and set the point to the straight position i.e. green, then make one for "switch" and

do the same , i.e. set colour red, then go to the other set of points and do the same using the smae names which will appear in a drop down menu, this will then enable railmaster to show both states but you need to run the chosen route to get it to register

the correct setting on railmaster ( not by clicking the red/ green buttons)

Hope this is helpful.

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