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Elite v1.45 update


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It could be a duff usb on the Elite.

Can you see the Elite in Device Manager. Depending on your version of Windows it may just show as an occupied port, if so pull the lead and replug whilst watching DM for changes to confirm the port in use.


But usually a comm error just means you are getting the update sequence timing wrong. Try it again taking care to wait between actions.


If the Elite is responsive try a unit reset before updating. If the Elite won’t boot then your only way ahead is to keep trying the update, maybe using a different usb port or even a different PC.

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Have you tried the other PC speed options in the installer set up page?


Which one did you use for the two Elites that were successful..... PC1, PC2 or PC3


Also, can you remember what the firmware versions were BEFORE you started upgrading them. Maybe this third Elite with the issue has an existing firmware revision that is either far later or far earlier than the two Elites that were successful.

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Something else you could try which has apparently worked for no logical reason with an awkward Elite is to first load an earlier version, noting that the new installer came into use at v1.42, then try to load the latest version.


You can download earlier versions here...scroll down to find.


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RAF I used P2 they where both v1.0 this one is v1.41 which as been updated previously. Has the build is 17 / 07 I'm guessing it was from v1.0 

I'm going to try again it's 11am if it doesn't work I'll try to load a earlier version then the v1.45.

Thanks for the help.


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From when I updated mine if I remember correctly, the program runs and deletes the previous version and it was after this that I had the issues. So firstly has the program deleted the previous version of Elite? If not then you probably have a genuine comms issue, so then you have got to go into windows and check that the USB channel is setup correctly. If the previous version of Elite software has been erased and you now have what in the automotive trade is called a "brick" (a module that has no application) and then the USB comms fails then it is an issue with the download of the new software. That is where you have to play around with the PC values. In software terms the Elite is a very old design and the bootloader (the software in the Elite that reprograms itself) is very old and it relies a lot on software timings from the host PC. I used to write bootloaders as my job, I could write a book on all the issues you get. The trouble is once you have written a bootloader you are virtually stuck with it for the life of the product, otherwise previous versions of the unit cannot be reprogrammed. 

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That error message appears when you haven't put the Elite correctly into its upgrade mode. This might be not waiting sufficient time between the documented stages of button presses. Or not following the documented method to the absolute letter.


There is an alternative method of putting the Elite into its update mode that does work for some users. It is documented in this previous existing thread (see 2nd link below....look for post by PeterRowney):


Updating Elite firmware



Alternative Elite firmware update method if documented method fails.



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Hi sorry that Error is "Error in Elite Comm"/media/tinymce_upload/2f2d8964cd78e09b45bb132aa3e3c975.png


That is the comms falling over during the installation setup, rather than a basic Device Manager type of comms error. 


Try starting the setup procedure again using variable timing between actions. I had had it work by simply going through the procedure ignoring wait times amd it has worked amd othe rtimes it has need the full 30 seconds wait between steps. Also try a lower PC Type at setup.


I know you have updated Elites before but it is worth repeating the sequence for the information of others...


Starting from scratch with Elite unplugged from power unit and PC USB.

Have the update installation file on your desktop handy for use later.

1. Press and hold the red STOP button, whilst plugging in the power supply. Using three hands recommended.

2. Wait (the recommended time is 30 seconds but as short as almost immediately has also been found to work - if you see comms failure later try a different wait time).

3. Release red button. (Elite screen will be blank).

4. Wait.

5. Plug in USB cable.

6. Wait.

7. Double click installation .exe file.

8. A dialogue will ask you to pick your com port (see Device Manager for port in use).

9. Dialogue will ask you to choose a PC type (this depends upon your PC chipset capability - Type 1 for old XP/Win 7 PCs, Type 2 for most Win 8/10 PCs or Type 3 for very fast Win 10 PCs - you need to try and find out which one best suits your PC).

10. Click Update and the process will begin as indicated by a progress bar. If the bar takes a short time the process will fail - less than 2 minutes. Try a lower PC type. If the process takes 3-5 minutes it will be OK. Make a note of the PC type number for next time. If it takes a very long time - as long as an hour- it will usually be OK, if however it fails then try a higher PC type. Type 2 should be your starting point.

11. Once the update is complete your Elite will reboot and briefly show the update version on screen.


The com error seen in the previous post is likely to be wrong PC Type or wrong event wait timing.


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Well I've tried every option and suggestion given to me by all of you and it still won't get past the "error comm"

I've tried 0 sec wait, 15 sec wait and 30 sec wait 

I've tried 1, 2 and 3 speed with all the wait

I've tried it on my window 10 pc my window 7 pc and my Visa laptop

I've tried to got back to v1.2

I've tried two differant usb cables

And a reset before attempting

Don't know what else to do.  😢 🤔

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Have you thought that there might be something wrong with the USB on that particular unit. I don't remember it being that difficult. If you have done two before with the same equipment, then that tends to indicate something wrong with that particular one.  As RAF96 says, does it still "boot up" with a display? When I managed to "brick" my one I remember it wasn't that difficult to restart the process. It could be the USB on the pc. If you are using a desktop use the USB slots at the rear of the unit, not the ones on the front (the ones at the rear have a slightly higher voltage). Check on the PC via Device Manager and see if the USB slot actually has a driver, check it is the "Hornby Driver". Remove USB cable and see if port disappears from port, put it back in and check it reappears. You probably know how to do all this, but just in case you don't. I do remember one the issues I did have, was the PC picking up the Hornby driver, rather than the generic "windows" one. Unfortunately, if none of this works it sounds like a return to Hornby.

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