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Old Hornby Select - Upgrading firmware?


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I have an old Hornby Select. On startup, the sequence is 12, 30, 03.   I believe there have been several newer versions of the firmware since I purchased it. I use it mainly on my Hornby rolling road and for secondary use. I have an Elite version 4.3 on my layout.  I heard that Hornby offer an upgrade service, do they still do that and how much do they charge? 

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The Select is a return to Hornby upgrade, the charge is usually £15 plus your sending postage costs. You have to contact Hornby Customer Services and obtain a 'returns number'. In the current situation, this may not be possible. The current latest version is 1.6 and this latest firmware completely transforms the Select to a different level with the ability to write to all CVs [version 1.5 provided full support for TTS decoders, so this too will be part of 1.6].


The Elite firmware can be performed DIY by yourself at home using files downloaded from this Hornby.com site. The current version is 1.45 (yours is more likely 1.43 rather than 4.3). The benefits of 1.45 over 1.43 are more marginal compared to the Select upgrade benefits.

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