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Servo Controller for crossing gates


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Can anyone help with setting up, train- tec SV1 Servo controller for crossing gates using Hornby Elite controller. 

My problem is setting up the servo to the open and closed position. F3and F4

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I have read the Train-Tech SV1 instructions and they seem pretty clear to me, but I will try and re-write them making reference to the Elite so that you might follow them better. For others reading this, the Train-Tech SV1 Servo Decoder is a 'brand new' 2020 released product from TT.


I suspect that it is the reference to positions A & B and optionally C & D that may be confusing you, so first a bit of background with regard my interpretation of what I am reading in the TT SV1 manual.


The Train-Tech SV1 is in essence a ‘general purpose’ servo decoder. It is being presented as a level crossing barrier controller, probably because that is being perceived as what the majority of users will use it for.


The reference to positions A, B, C & D represent any four positions in the full end to end travel of the Servo motor. It is assumed that for a level crossing barrier that only positions A & B will be set and that positions C & D will be ignored.


It is on that basis, that I write these instructions:


Note that these instructions assume that the Elite firmware is version 1.43 or above.


For the purpose of these instructions let us assume that Servo position A (F3) will be the Servo position where the level crossing barrier arm is horizontal and level. And that Servo position B (F4) is where the level crossing barrier is in its fully raised position.


Now as to how to set these A & B positions, using F3 & F4:


To configure the SV1 settings, you first have to select Loco Address 54 on the Elite controller.


Start by powering up your Elite from a powered off state so that no superfluous function settings in the Elite are active. For this process to work, no previous functions for Loco 54 must be active. A power cycle of the Elite will ensure this.


Selecting Loco Address 54:


  • After a power cycle, 03 should be displayed on the Elite LCD.
  • Press Controller 1 (left hand rotary knob).
  • Press the ‘Loco’ key.
  • Either rotate Controller 1 until 54 is displayed or key in 54 directly on the keypad.
  • Press Controller 1 again.


Loco Address 54 should now be activated, and 54 shown on the Elite display.


The Train-Tech SV1 should be wired to the main layout TRACK A&B output of the Elite….NOT the ‘PROG A&B’ Elite output.


  • Now press the ‘Learn/Set’ button on the SV1 TWICE.
  • The LED on the SV1 should double flash to show that it is in Set-Up mode.
  • Now rotate Controller 1 and you should see the SV1 Servo move over its range of possible positions as you rotate the Controller knob back and forth.
  • Rotate Controller 1 until the level crossing barrier is positioned at your preferred lowered position [Position A] then leave the Controller 1 alone to leave the barrier in that position.


You now have to send an F3 command from the Elite to lock this position into the memory of the SV1.


Sending F3 from the Elite:


  • Press the ‘Function’ button on the Elite.
  • F00 – F09 should appear on the Elite screen just above the number 54
  • Press number 3 to send F3 to the SV1.
  • Press number 3 again to unselect F3 in the Elite**


Note** The Elite functions ‘lock on’ so the 3 key has to be pressed twice, once to actually send the F3 command and again to reset the Elite function.


Now you have to move the barrier to the raised position [Position B].


  • On the Elite controller rotate Controller 1 to move the barrier to Position B
  • F00 – F09 should still be showing on the LCD display when you do this.
  • Once happy with the position, you now have to send Function F4 from the Elite to lock this position into the SV1 decoder.
  • As F00 – F09 is still showing on the Elite LCD you only have to press the number 4 key to send the Function F4 command. Press number 4 again to reset the Elite functions.


You now have to set the speed of the Servo:


  • Assuming that F00-F09 is still showing on the Elite LCD screen, Press the number 7 key (just once this time).
  • The barrier should now start to move back and forth between the two previously set A & B positions on its own.
  • Whilst observing the speed of the barrier, use the Controller 1 knob to set the speed of movement you want to see.
  • Leave the barrier sweeping throughout its range at the speed you want, then press the number 8 key to save all the settings to the SV1 decoder.
  • Now press the number 7 key and the number 8 key to reset these functions on the Elite.


Now you have to set the DCC address that you want to use to actually control the Level Crossing barrier. I suggest that this is an Accessory Address and not a Loco Address that you use. The Train-Tech instructions cover both options (Loco Address or Accessory Address) but my text focuses on using an Accessory Address.


On the Elite:


  • Press the ACC button, 0001 should display on the Elite LCD display.
  • Either rotate Controller 1 until XX is displayed or key in XX directly on the keypad. Where XX is the Accessory Address that you want to use for this decoder. The XX number you have chosen should appear on the LCD screen.


Now press the ‘Learn/Set’ button on the SV1 ONCE only. The SV1 LED should flash.


Press Controller 1 followed by pressing Controller 2.


This should complete the SV1 set up. Pressing either Controller 1 and/or Controller 2 should now move the level crossing barrier between the two set A & B positions at the speed that you previously configured.


TIP: As a relatively newbie poster on the forum, just be aware that the 'Blue Button with the White Arrow' is not a 'Reply to this post' button. If you want to reply to any of the posts, scroll down and write your reply in the reply text box at the bottom of the page and click the Green 'Reply' button.


This (not using the 'Blue Button') is particularly important as my reply to your question is extremely long and detailed.


See also – further TIPs on how to get the best user experience from this forum.




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