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County Class Loco issue

The Owl

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I have a County of Cornwall loco DCC fitted. It is very reluctant to start moving, only really runs well at full or half speed. Once stopped at a station it wont move unless pushed. Barely runs at low speeds. Had the body off, everything moves well by hand, cleaned and lubed as per maintenance guide. Can anyone help with diagnosis /repair?

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Have you checked that the current pick ups are making firm contact with the drive wheels and tried holding the loco upside down and applying a 9v battery to the drive wheels (making sure the decoder is set to allow DC running), to see if it runs freely? Or removing the motor and running it in isolation? I only suggest the latter because I had a similar problem with a Hall and found the motor was faulty, i.e., ran very slowly in one direction but very fast in the other. When replaced it ran well.

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