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Dean Goods Steam Loco - Oxford Rail to Hornby conversion?


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I wondered if anyone has investigated if any Hornby motors fit Oxford Rail's Dean Goods. I have one from the first batch and it has a poor motor that uses too much current and runs very slowly. Oxford Rail told be to paint the unpainted parts of the chassis under (above) the cover plate under the chassis or to insert an insulating strip but that either made no difference or stop the loco running completely.

I have now been told by another apparently reliable source that the motors on the first batch were randomly poor. However, spares are not available.

I bought it from a collector's fair as being unused so cannot easily return it but at least I only paid about half price for it.

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The good news is that a further email from me to Oxford Rail prompted a very quick response (on a Sunday!) and, while they are shut at the moment owing to the "lock-down", they think they may have some spare motors. I therefore will not do anything rash. Patience is a virtue!

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They do seem very good, I had an issue with my Adams loco where an smd inductor burn out damaging the PCB. I emailed then about a replacement and the cost, they sent me one free of charge. Eventually I found the initial fault, the wheels were touching the motor connections on curves, due to a heavily soldered joint.

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