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Can't change Loco CV address.

Guest Chrissaf

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Your screen shots indicate that RailMaster cannot see your loco decoder on the dedicated programming track. I do acknowledge that the decoder is probably OK electrically as you can control it on the main track using DCC Address 03. Hence my comments below specifically aimed at the 'programming' track piece.


Use a dedicated spare piece of track directly connected to the 'PROG A&B' output of the eLink [soldered wires to the programming track is preferred]. If you use a Hornby Power Track / Power Clip then check to make absolutely sure that it is a DCC Friendly connector. Open them up to remove any capacitor you find inside them ... see the image further below.


Make sure that this dedicated programming track piece is spotlessly clean as well as the wheels on your loco. Any grime or dirt will have a really adverse effect on the very low power DCC programming signal used.


Place your loco to be programmed on this dedicated track piece and ensure that the wheels are making perfect contact with the track rails. Maybe placing a weight on top of the loco to press it down onto the track piece.


Now in RailMaster ... open the 'Locomotive Settings' screen and select the loco you want to change the address for in the main loco list window (the window box that has the BLUE arrow contained within it ... image below). The currently configured parameters for this loco should then populate the various data fields in this screen.


Then click the 'Loco' icon in the bottom row ... see image below [RED circle and arrow].




Follow the on screen prompts to change your loco DCC address.


Also change the DCC Address shown on the 'Loco Settings Screen' for your selected loco to the new DCC Address you have just configured ... [BLUE circle and arrow in image above].


As once you have successfully changed the loco DCC Address using the 'Loco' icon as described above. You have to change the assigned loco address on your loco throttle to the new address so that it actually gets used when you want to control it.


Save all changes (green tick in bottom right) and exit the 'Locomotive Setting' screen and go back to the main RailMaster track plan and loco throttle screen. Ensure that the throttle for your loco is now showing the edited Loco DCC Address.


To test the new address, place the loco back onto the main layout track and test using the RailMaster throttle that I assume that you have already configured for this loco, but this time using the edited Loco DCC Address on the throttle.


If you have not yet configured a throttle for this Loco or any new Loco that you might purchase in the future, follow the guidance in this thread (follow link below), but where the guidance talks about writing the DCC address to CV1 using the CV writing screen. Follow the guidance given above using the 'Loco' icon instead.


Adding a loco from the database into RM (my post 3rd one down).



Checking track power connector to ensure it is DCC Friendly (remove any capacitors found).




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Particularly as my reply includes an image, using the 'Blue Button' may result in your reply being held back for image approval, even though it is an existing image.


See also – further TIPs on how to get the best user experience from this forum.



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I did not plug the cable into PROG on the eLink ... doh


Which is why I opened my reply with a description of the 'PROG' track connectivity. You would not believe the number of similar issues that come up on the forum where 'users' are not connecting to the correct terminals OR do not use a separate programming track piece. Usually these are 'users' who have previously been used to using the Hornby Select controller.


Because the eLink (and the Elite) have separate outputs for Track & Prog, can you not leave your 'Prog Track' permanently connected?


Either way ... glad to hear it was a simple fix and all is now well.

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/media/tinymce_upload/48c5c410f3660b15a726b3a45d8e175b.jpg/media/tinymce_upload/1578e4bfce8773fb7e1d30acca4a3e68.jpgMorning All

Sorry this has been asked many times

having issues with changing loco address. i have read the manual and look at the forums and video. im usuing railmaster latest version. with eLink. i only have three locos on my layout with DCC i can add and use them but two are on code 3 so only one a time. so i would like to change the CV1. but no joy


anyone assist please



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