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Trouble with two ovals


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Hi everyone this is regarding oo gauge. 
ive set up a track with just an inner and out circle. Trying to keep it basic due to me being novice at best. 
it runs fine around the outer circle and goes through the points to the inner and back out again but incan get it to run right around the inner. Ive tried altering the points but gets so fat and stops. Ive tried the inner track just on its own set up to test the track and its fine. 
i have a basic transformer for it which i ordered from hornby, was only 14.99 so wondering if powerful enough, the power track is clip to out circle only, do i need extra power on the inner too? Any help is appreciated, prpabably something basic as like i said im novice at best. Thanks

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You might find reviewing my PDF document titled “Getting Started, including Track Extension Packs” a useful read. Don’t be put off by the document title; the document will give you a good ‘all round’ grounding in the differences between DC Analogue vs DCC Digital control and what is involved in upgrading a layout from one to the other. Just be aware that all the part numbers mentioned in the PDF are for products that were current at the time of publication.


You can download my PDF from the 'Sticky Post' (2nd one down) at the top of the 'General Discussion' forum. If after clicking the download link nothing appears to happen, check your nominated Browser download folder as the file may download silently in the background.


...the power track is clip connected to the outer circle only, do I need extra power on the inner too?


Focus on Chapter 5 Fig 11 Page 14 as from your description it sounds as if you do not have a Hornby R8201 Link Wire fitted between the inner and outer loops.


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Two loops really need two DC controllers - one per loop. Otherwise if you have two locos with one on each loop they will both move together.  

But for the time being your one controller can be used, so long as you're aware of the limitations. 

You will need to link the outer loops left hand rail to inner loops left hand rail and do the same with the right hand rails of each loop. See the attached sketch which from what you have described is roughly your set up?. Note: The controllers feed wires and the link wires loop to loop rail can be via soldered wires or the use of two Hornby R602 connecting power clips wiring A to A and B to B and they need to be inserted from the same side on each of the loops.


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