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Class 37

Penny well

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You say contacts ....what contacts do you mean ... the contacts on the motor itself ... the pickups on the wheels .... somewhere else entirely?


If you mean the contacts on the motor itself, then you need to trace back the electrical route between the motor contacts and the wheels. Using your power wires to test again at anywhere in that electrical route where there is a bared contact area to touch.


There might be a broken wire (a common fault) or it might be the wheel pickups themselves. Or even just dirty wheels that need cleaning, including the part of the wheels where the pickups touch (usually the backs, but not always).

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Check the connection on the non powered bogie, it has a habit of snapping off. Unfortunately, you generally cannot see it, so if you look from inside the body all looks well. If it is the same as mine the bogie is held in by spring clip.

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Sorry but it is still not obvious where are you have been applying power (as Chris says above).

If you have been applying power direct to the motor and that works, then check that the wires from the motor to the wheel pick ups are in place.  Next check that the pickups making good contact against the wheels correctly.

Also as Engee says, check the track is receiving power.

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