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Pendolino Decoder Swap


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I have two Pendolino driving cars on my hands - a DCC fitted 390 012 and a DCC ready 390 045 (yet to arrive in the post). There are a range of factors for the following but I'm in essence getting rid of 012 and using 045 (renumbered) to lead the 012 coaches/dummy. I'd hoped the process for a swapping of decoders would be straightforward. The decoder in 012 was X9719 which will clearly not go into the 8-pin socket of 045 so I have a question.

Is there an easy way to use X9719 in an 8-pin socket OR is it easitest to just buy a new 9-pin decoder?

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Is there an easy way to use X9719 in an 8-pin socket OR is it easiest to just buy a new 8-pin decoder?


Firstly I assume the 9 was a typo and you meant 8 (reproduced in bold above).


The only difference between Hornby's 7 pin X9719 decoder and the R8249 is that the 8 pin plug of the R8249 has been replaced in the factory by the 7 way Du-Pont connector.


  1. So it would be possible to either make an adaptor from parts. Relatively high skill level required.
  2. Or cut off the 7 pin Du-Pont plug and fit an 8 pin plug**. Medium skill level.
  3. Or just use a new 8 pin decoder. Low skill level.


Note** scroll down the page that opens for part number 860006. But note that this item ships from USA so not going to be cheap. Possible that you might find a local stockist.


If you did want to pursue option 1 above. I can provide a list of parts and sources of those parts and schematics showing how to build an adaptor. But to be honest, I doubt you will be following that option, which is why I have not spent time documenting that information right here and now. Plus the cost of buying all the parts including delivery for a single 'one off' adaptor is probably not cost effective.


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