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Railroad Class 20 Sound [only goes one way issue]

Guest Chrissaf

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TTS decoders ... where the loco will only go in one direction have come up before as reported issues on this forum.


Not 100% sure as I don't have any TTS decoders, but I think the reported solution was to send the TTS decoder back to Hornby, to have new updated firmware flashed to it. I believe some early TTS decoders had a bug 'out of the factory' and it is taking some time to flush these affected decoders through the system.


The other possible fault (technically) that would make a loco go in one direction only, is a fault in the decoder motor control semi-conductor H bridge. If this is the fault with your decoder then that is not DIY fixable and would need the TTS decoder replaced (if still within the Warranty period) or repaired by Hornby. Or just replaced at cost if outside of the Warranty.


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