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Poirot Suggestion Needed

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My Lockdown-Layout's central section is being referred to as the "Agatha Christie" section, we all know she was obsessed with train time tables and so saying that my centre section should be appropriate for her eaasly books and so 1920's-30's (and 40's if I really have to) gives me a bit of an artistic direction.

I've found an appropriate model for a Miss Marple on a Dapol spru, although I'm going to cut a millimetre off her legs to give her a "little old lady" look :) It should be painless.

So what I'm trying to find now is a suitable model to depict a shortish, chubby Belgian detective with grand moustachios, any suggestions?

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  • 1 month later...

Il est bien cet Hercule.

J'ai visionné la boutique du lien, ils ont de beaux personnages. J'en ai vu qui pourraient faire un chouette Capitaine Hasting et une charmante Miss Marple.


Désolé d'écrire en français, mais je suis dans les transports avec mon téléphone et impossible de jongler avec Google translate.

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