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Can a TTS decoder be installed in a DCC fitted locomotive?


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A TTS decoder is just a different type of decoder to the type of decoder fitted in a 'Factory Fitted' locomotive [albeit, a 'Factory Fitted' decoder can also be a TTS decoder or any other branded 'sound' decoder].


So ... A TTS decoder will provide all the functions of motor control that the factory fitted decoder does plus the sound.


So ... A TTS decoder is not fitted as well as a normal decoder, it is fitted instead of a normal decoder.


TTS decoders have NEM 652 8 pin plugs. So are a direct replacement for any 'Factory Fitted' decoder that is also NEM 652 8 Pin.


If your factory fitted decoder is not NEM 652 8 Pin, then you will need an adaptor harness to convert your loco to 8 Pin.


TTS Decoder fitted with a NEM 652 8 Pin plug



A typical normal 'non - sound' NEM 652 8 Pin decoder.




As you can see, the inclusion of the speaker with the TTS decoder is the only obvious difference.


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Nobody can guarantee to you that the TTS decoder will plug straight into your model as a direct 'one for one' replacement without any modification for any decoder that is fitted at the factory.


For one thing as you have not thought to mention your model stock code number or brand. A Hornby DCC Fitted loco will be completely different internally to a Bachmann or Dapol or Heljan branded model for example. And even within the Hornby model range, only certain later DCC models have been designed at the outset as being TTS ready out of the Hornby Chinese factory. You haven't even told us whether your proposed model is a Steam or Diesel loco, or what size or Class it is, nor the TTS model number you are interested in fitting to it ... etc.


It is not unusual [even when fitting TTS decoders to Hornby models] for an element of 'modelling work' to be needed, this might involve having to change the TTS supplied speaker for a different brand and type of speaker and such a mod would need soldering skills & tools.


So without knowing the specifics of your particular situation it is impossible to say.


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The other issue sometimes is, will the TTS decoder actually fit in my loco. The actual TTS decoder board is bigger than a normal Hornby decoder and then there is the speaker. Generally if it is a latest Hornby and it has a tender, Hornby makes provision for all of the TTS sound components to fit in the tender.

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Sound ready in relation to a DCC-Fitted loco indicates to me a non Hornby loco, which likely has a speaker already fitted or has space provisioned for a speaker.


Recent release Hornby tender locos are generally provided with a speaker mount as well as an 8-pin socket in the tender.

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That also perhaps indicates a MTC21 21 Pin socket and not a Hornby 8 Pin socket is fitted.


As I said before, you have to give us more information regarding your model and choice of TTS decoder.

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I saw someone on EBay was doing a TTS to 21 pin adapter PCB which is quite useful for locos where the 21 pin to 8 pin converter will not fit. It even had the names of the corresponding wires on the PCB. The 21 pin to 8 pin adapters don't work on diesels with low roofs like a class 37 (I killed a TTS decoder trying to get it to fit).

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