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Triple the Tracks: Triple the problems

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Hello, today I've got a bit of a dilemma: I currently have a triple track layout and am wanting to build a tunnel leading out from a station on a curved 2% incline. Sounds somewhat  simple but I have several concerns:

1. I cannot find any triple track tunnel mouths, nor do I know where to source general dimensions for them

2. With the 2% Incline, I am unsure to if it would work as the only foam inclines I've seen only allow 1 or 2 tracks, not 3, and since it's on a curve the outside, the distance covered by the outside curve is greater than that of the inside curve due to a larger turning radius, and since the total vertical height is the same by the end point the gradient is therefore theoretically less than on the inside line, and since I want the maximum gradient to be 2%, It would have to be the inside line which uses a 2% gradient. So what would I use for the other gradients? 

3. How would I find a way to do the tunnel reliably inside a gradient?

In case you may require information about the situations surrounding my railway, it uses 2nd, 3rd and 4th Radius for the curves on the layout, the 2% gradient starts just on a curve, which turns 90 Degrees before going into a single R600 track segment before curving another 90 Degrees again, before going of again. The Tunnel mouth starts about 1/3rd way on the R600 straight and ends with the curve, where the gradient ends. Any help on this is greatly appreichated.


Best thanks,


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Just to answer your your 1st question - I have 3 ideas...


  1.  You could make / construct your own triple tunnel!!!
  2.  Use a double tunnel next to a single tunnel (R8512 & R8510 / R8511 & R8509) or
  3.  Use 3 single tunnels all next to each other (3 x R8510 / 3 x R8509)!!!!

Depending if you want a Stone or Brick Portal Entrance, oh if your doing gradients you many need to think about 'Elevated Track Support Sets' R909 or Inclined Piers R658 or even High Level Piers R659 - While I'm talking about gradients - JimboPuff is in to gradients (He told me himslf) so may be Jimbo is your Man to talk to!!!

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Hi Travis


I made a triple tunnel portal - albeit for two railway tracks and a roadway. It was cobbled together using two Metcalfe kits.



I fully appreciate it looks nothing like you might see in real life, but as the saying goes..... it's my railway.....




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And in real life Rog it would be a pile of stone in the centre road as it has no self supporting features, but what the heck its a hole in a hill and you're chief architect.


As to the gradients I would avoid JJs suggestion of Hornby piers and similar like the plague, as they are meant for train sets on a mat, not serious layout supports. Go with the tapered foam supports but just adjust the starting positions so that the tunnel mouths are at the same level, unless you want to be ambitious and have multi-level holes out of the ground, probably not something a prototype would attempt. Once clear of the tunnel you can either run at the same height or continure on a slope to reach the planned elevation.

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