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What colour were Bofors guns painted?

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I have a question about the 40mm Bofors gun and Morris tractor. The box art depicts a scene in (presumably) the desert, and I gather that the decals that come with the vehicle are 8th Army markings. However… I’ve decided that my airfied diorama (about which I recently posted on this forum and which is steadily expanding…) requires an anti-aircraft gun, and I understand that the Bofors was in use on airfields in England – but (and here’s the question) what colour would the gun have been, what colour would the Morris tractor have been and what colour uniforms would the crew have been wearing on an airfield in (for the sake of argument) late 1940? I understand that AA guns, although commanded by Gen Pile, were under the overall control of Fighter Command, so if on an airfield, would they have been manned by RAF crews or by Army personnel? I’ve looked at lots of images, but nothing really helps. My best guess would be to paint the tractor Dark Earth, and the Bofors gun, but what about the crew? Khaki or RAF blue? Any advice would be greatly appreciated!

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1939: February, a two-colour scheme introduced as specified in MTP. 20 of June 1939.  Basic colour was Khaki Green No. 3  (Vallejo Model Air 71007 Olive Green) with Scheme No.1 Dark Green G4 (Vallejo Model Air 71020 German Green) or Scheme No.2 Light Green G5 (Vallejo Model Color 74 70891 Intermediate Green) over the basic colour. Available evidence from documents strongly suggest the Scheme No. 1 was predominant. None of these colours came from or were matched any of the BS.381 series and never appeared in a colour standard, EVER. There are NO BS. 381 dated issues until a very limited War Emergency issue of 1944 and not again until 1948.

Crew were RAF Regiment but wore Khaki battledress.

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This is @1943 when the base colour was SCC.2

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