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Loco light permanently on


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Hi - I have a Duchess R.066 which I've restored and got running.  Only problem is that the light at the front of the loco stays on all of the time (I thought it was only meant to illuminate while running?)  I'm running on DC so this isn't any de-coder issue.  Any help appreciated.

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A DC loco only sees power when throttle is applied. If the light is on then the throttle must be turned up or the controller has a fault. If the throttle is turned up the loco should move.

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The running light on the early Duchess models was fed by a wiper sitting on the tread of one of the front driving wheels so it only received power when current was flowing through the track which, as RAF96 says, means that power will also be feeding the motor.  Unless the loco has been modified with some form of  electrical storage capability, what you are describing is theoretically impossible.

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