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Problem programing Locos on the program track

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Hi all can you help put a loco on the program track. put the four code in save the loco save the loco. go back to the main menue no loco in the list i have tic the box. even on test chang the tic on all of the list still not saving loco. so i can not program any new locos. the onley thing i have dune is up dated the program to the lates up date. Thank Ron.

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Normally, it is not etiquette to comment on a poster's spelling & grammar. But I suspect that the reason you have not had any replies so far, is because no one can actually deduce exactly what the question is ... based upon what you have written.


I am only guessing at what the question is myself as a complete 'stab in the dark' and my guess is that the question relates to adding a new locomotive purchase to the RailMaster loco roster list so that it appears as a throttle on the RailMaster screen. If this guess is correct. Then the link below should help.


Adding a loco from the database into RM (my post 3rd one down).



PS - To add a locomotive to the RailMaster list of locos (roster). You don't actually need to have the loco on the programming track. You only use the 'programming track' if you want to change a CV setting in the loco decoder such as for example the DCC address (loco ID number).


If your query is more along the lines of I have put my new loco purchase on the programming track and changed its DCC Address, and saved it. But the loco does not appear as a loco throttle. Then it won't.


Changing the DCC address on the 'programming track' does not automatically add the loco throttle to the RailMaster loco roster list. Adding the loco and configuring the loco address are two completely separate tasks.

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Hi Chrissaf. yep let me try too sort out what i am saying, even when the loco is program on the servise track and all save it still will not come up in locos save list.now i have had no problem in the past. how do i sort this out Thank Ron.

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I can't offer you any more suggestions than I have already given in my last reply. Which I believe answered your question to the best of my ability. Look particularly at the 'PS' section in my original reply.


Also start again from scratch and follow the 'step by step' guidance on how to 'add a loco' that can be read by clicking the link in my original reply (3rd post down on the page that opens when you click the link).


If that does not help, then you will have to post a screen shot of the screens in question as I am at a complete loss to understand what you are trying to describe.

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