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Hi Chrise

My suggestion would be got to your local hobby shop that deals with a lot of trains and a quality book shop with a large hobby / railway section they will have something helpful

Look for Peco track planning and plans books also a large number of specialty books on track plans are published by various publishers.

For very good commercial reasons the manufacturers planning books are geared towards product sales and not necessarily creating good long lasting model railways.

The other problem is what constitutes a good track plan every one on this forum will tell you their plan is great and why.

Every one else will say why this is not the case and theirs is the best and each will sight the reason that some one else's plan isn't using the reason why some one thinks its great, confused yet??

Why is this quite simply because every one here has different ideas of what makes a good plan and different criteria as to how their layout was conceived, built and what it represents.

Some like me have a tiny space others have moderate space some have large space all of these factors play in the game as well.

Track planning is nearly a separate special interest in and of it's self.

regards John

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