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Flying Scotsman internals

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Related earlier, I picked up a non-running FS in Apple Green for less than a fiver at the Salvation Army.   A very early model. Ramsay's list it as R855N (early 70's) with chuf-chuff, firebox glow and crew.

I've got it running strongly

after a bit of a struggle. The XO  motor internals absolutely dire. Also got the chuff-chuff to work, albeit quietly. The firebox glow is nowhere to be seen, nor the crew.

In the attached photo there is a black box-like struture behind the motor. Would this be something to do with the "glow" ?  /media/tinymce_upload/5b5e5ea7ff41ea57349cd09293b2f23d.JPG It is empty - no firewood or anything. Not eeeven the invisible crew's sandwiches.

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So that everyone knows what's being talked about..


Extract from Service Sheet 76.




Screw S.1022 holds the box to the chassis...


The S.3360 is a piece of orange coloured translucent plastic. And slots into cast guides.


The lid X.695 is a type of paxolin, and is fitted with two metal eyelets, to locate the wires from the bulb, S.5099, and the Locomotive pick up, X.682 and return, X.962, which goes to the uninsulated brush.


Two plastic plugs, S.8158 wedge the four wires, in pairs, into the two eyelets.


The lid is attached to the box by screw S.1011.





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