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Australian Supplier for Screws to Suit Hornby Surface Mounted Point Motor


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Hi all,

Looking for an Australian Supplier to source screws suitable for the Hornby Surface Mounted Point Motors.  Peters Spares lists a 13mm and 17mm option but they are out of stock.  Would appreciate if anyone here can point me in the right direction preferably already in AU.




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Go on to EBay and get some from China. It is amazing the diversity of sizes and diameters they do. I try to source that sort of stuff from the UK, but you cannot get the range. Surprisingly the ones I have bought have been reasonable quality.

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I have bought suitable screws from modelaccessories.co.uk. These are 2mm x 12mm self tapping screws. You may require different length depending on the thickness of any underlay you my have. They are silver in colour, but a dab of matt black paint soon covers the head.



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